全球半导体公司Solidigm命名Rancho Cordova全球总部
十大网投官方入口萨克拉门托(Rancho Cordova) 2月. 7, 2023—Solidigm是一家美国公司.S.全球领先的创新NAND闪存解决方案提供商, has named the Rancho Cordova市 in 更大的萨克拉门托 the company’s new global headquarters.
这个决定是由于大萨克拉门托能够获得技术人才, 生活质量, 对科技企业的支持. 该州首府地区排名第七th in the country among large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for higher education talent with more than 700,100英里内的高等院校招收了1000名学生.
“萨克拉门托地区有一个有竞争力的人才库, 支持创新, 并为我们的团队成员提供高度重视的生活方式, 使得科多瓦牧场成为Solidigm最理想的总部,首席运营官Ellen Doller说. “我们在为我们的全球R选择地点时得到的支持&D设施使这个决定很容易. We look forward to continuing to be a part of this vibrant community through job creation, 合作伙伴关系, 和志愿服务.”
Solidigm是全球领先的创新NAND闪存解决方案提供商. 该公司作为一家美国公司成立.S.SK海力士公司总部设在美国的子公司., the world’s second-largest memory chip maker, on December 29, 2021, following an October 2020 SK海力士的协议 以90亿美元收购英特尔的NAND和SSD业务.
2022年9月,在大萨克拉门托地区进行了详尽的现场搜索后, Solidigm宣布选择Rancho Cordova 为其全球研发(R&D)中心,在设施上投资超过1亿美元. 该项目是半导体行业最大的R&D project 更大的萨克拉门托 has seen over the last decade and is now followed by the company’s decision to make the same location its global headquarters.
“去年秋天, we were thrilled to announce that Solidigm’s global research and development facility would be headquartered in Rancho Cordova, 我们同样激动地欢迎Solidigm的全球总部来到这座城市,市长琳达·巴奇说. “Solidigm是半导体领域的前沿领导者, and locating their global headquarters here is an economic game-changer for Rancho Cordova and the Sacramento region.”
Solidigm目前正在对23万平方英尺的R大楼进行租户改造&D校区,计划在2023年第一季度入住. 的 site was chosen for its ability to combine world-class lab and office space into a single campus, 靠近Solidigm员工居住的地方, 公共交通的可用性, 以及附近的便利设施.
“We are thrilled Solidigm decided to make their HQ location in Rancho Cordova,” GSEC President & 首席执行官巴里·布鲁姆说. “This validates the state capital market as being one of the top locations in the country for semiconductor talent. We also want to commend the Rancho Cordova市 for its leadership and for making the process business-friendly with ample real estate available. Solidigm made the best choice because the City delivers a great experience and treats industry like their customers.”
“We are pleased to see continued investment in Rancho Cordova from Solidigm and are honored they selected the city as their global headquarters,国会议员阿米·贝拉说. “的 overall investment means a significant amount to our community as Solidigm plans to invest in more high-wage jobs to grow their presence in the region. I am proud that Sacramento will continue to be the home of several great semiconductor companies. Combined with the robust funding from Congress through the bipartisan passage of the CHIPS and Science Act and the great engineering talent from our local universities and colleges, I look forward to 工作ing with Solidigm and other industry partners to ensure that this investment will continue to bring considerable opportunities that will benefit the 更大的萨克拉门托 region and its residents. 作为国会朝鲜核心小组的共同主席, I am excited about Solidigm’s investment in our region as I have 工作ed to grow economic ties between the U.S. and Korea and this investment is another example of the great potential of our countries’ partnership.”
“I want to congratulate Solidigm on this crucial investment for the Sacramento region’s economy as I continue my 工作 at the federal level to support the semiconductor industry,国会女议员多丽丝·松井说. “两年前, I introduced the CHIPS Act to address an urgent economic and national security threat – America’s decline in the strategically important semiconductor industry. I will continue 工作ing hard as Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s 通信 and 科技nology Subcommittee to move policy forward that builds on our progress in the semiconductor industry and invests in our innovators like Solidigm.”
Solidigm是全球领先的创新NAND闪存解决方案提供商. Solidigm技术为客户开启了数据的无限潜力, 使它们能够推动人类的进步. Our origins reflect Intel’s longstanding innovation in memory products and SK hynix’s international leadership and scale in the semiconductor industry. Solidigm成为独立的美国公司.S. 2021年12月SK海力士旗下子公司. 总部设在Rancho Cordova, 十大网投官方入口, Solidigm是由超过2的创造力,在全球20个地区拥有5000名员工. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 并在推特上关注我们 @Solidigm 和 LinkedIn. “Solidigm”是SK海力士NAND产品解决方案公司(d/b/a Solidigm)的商标.
的 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 is the catalyst for innovative growth strategies in the Capital Region of 十大网投官方入口. 该组织带头以社区为导向进行挽留, 吸引, 发展和扩大可贸易部门, develop advanced industries and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方政府和州政府之间的合作, 市场领导者, 影响者和利益相关者, 其唯一使命是推动包容性经济增长. 的 更大的萨克拉门托 region was founded on discovery, built on leadership and fueled by innovation.
的 Rancho Cordova市 incorporated on July 1, 2003, becoming the 478th city in 十大网投官方入口. Since that time, the city has grown into an emerging urban center, while retaining a small-town feel. / 3,500家企业雇佣了65名员工,000+, 使我们成为大萨克拉门托地区最大的就业中心之一. 我们近80人,000居民享受着美丽的, 六英里长的美洲河, 蓬勃发展的艺术场景, 26英里的自行车道和步道, 70英亩的小溪和支流, 超过100个(大部分是免费的)活动. 无论你是否称兰乔·科尔多瓦为全美之城, 美国顽皮之城或美国树城, 我们的社区和商业区反映了多样性和机遇, 让我们成为任何人都可以居住的社区, 工作, 学习和玩耍.
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通信 & 兰乔·科尔多瓦市公共事务主任
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更大的萨克拉门托 Region Recognized As A National Leader In Equitable Economic Growth By Brookings Institution 2024 Metro Monitor Report
的 2024年布鲁金斯学会城市排名, analyzing 10-year economic performance of the country’s 54 largest metros through five key indicators – growth, 繁荣, 整体包含, racial inclusion and geographic inclusion – highlight the 更大的萨克拉门托 region’s remarkable economic advancements.
今天, 萨克拉门托国王队, 他是五届太平洋海岸联赛冠军萨克拉门托河猫队的大股东, announced that Sutter Health Park will host the A’s for three MLB seasons starting in 2025 with an option for a fourth – ahead of the team’s transition to Las Vegas.
黄金中心是大萨克拉门托的主要经济驱动力, 每年提供6.65亿美元
黄金1号中心, 这里是NBA萨克拉门托国王队的主场,也是举办重大活动的社区中心, 音乐会和演出, continues to stand as a powerhouse contributor to the economic vitality of the 更大的萨克拉门托 region metropolitan area, according to a new economic impact report by renowned research company Applied Economics.